The Christian Prayer Life

14/09/2009 00:00



Christian Prayers are more than mere asking. They are a step higher. You need to ask in faith. Yes, God want the just and righteous to live by faith.


That is why you find unbelievers receiving and Christians waiting almost in vain.

There are no Christian Prayers without faith. Why? This kind of prayer is based on relationship. It is based on trust.

When you become a child of God in the spirit then you will live all your

When you say it believing, you are sure to get it.

The word believing gives the picture of you staying with your request until it happens.

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ASK in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22

In Mark 11:23-24 Jesus taught his followers how to pray. When you ask it must be without doubt.

You must continue in your “believing” until whatever you have said come to pass.

Then he told them about the need to desire. You need to know what you really want. Christian Prayer is definite.

You must be specific to get what you want. All other prayers may not call for this. A non Christian may not be specific.

For example, the request of a child may be granted without being specific.

But you are no more at that low level. You are now located at the level of relationship through faith. Romans 1:17

You are certainly at a higher level.

As a matter of fact Christian Prayers are demonstrations of power. You need to know how to handle power.

They are the demonstrations of the divine power of the tongue.

God the Bible says made human beings in His own very image and likeness.

God said let there be light. And light was. This is the power to decree.

“Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee; And light shall shine upon thy ways.“ Job 22: 28

What then are Christian Prayers? What do you understand from your Bible in Job 22:28?

It is that your Christian prayer is a ruling or a decree. It is not mere words. But they are words that must come to pass. It is an order given to the host of heaven.

Whatever you say, think or act out in your deeds are your prayers. The angels from heaven would bring it to completion.

In your thinking and imagination, prayer represents where you are going. It is not where you are.

Yes, unlike many people, you should never consider prayer to be where you are. You shouldn’t think, talk and act consciously only in reaction to your present situation!

Your Almighty Father is asking: What do you want me to do for you?

Before you pray, make sure you are clear about what you want. See first what you want in your mind’s eye. Then go into action and decree it with your tongue.

That is why what you think, imagine, what you do and of course what you say must agree perfectly for faster answer to your prayer.

When those three aspects of prayer agree, you can be sure your prayer would get almost an immediate answer.

But you know what happens when these three aspects are in disagreement.

If for example, what you think contradicts what you say then you have surely cancelled out all your effort to pray.

Jesus confirmed this power of tongue to His followers.


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