
02/10/2009 00:00

Why you do what you do is just as important as what you do. God always looks at your heart and when you have the wrong motives, or motives that aren't based on the love of God, even when you do a seemingly good deed you won't reap the desired harvest from your actions. It is important that you examine your heart before you say or do anything. These daily confessions will help keep you on track and focused on the Lord where your motives are concerned.

Confession of Faith:

Heavenly Father, You are more concerned with the condition of my heart than my outward appearance and You constantly examine my motives. I ask You to search my heart for any impure or wrong motives. I thank You, Lord, that the good deeds I do for the advancement of the Kingdom of God are done unto You and not because I want to be praised by men. I confess that everything I do, say and think is motivated by the love of God and as a result, I always reap a good harvest. I judge myself so that I will not be judged and when I find that my motives aren't pure, I will immediately repent. Thank You for Your love and for a heart that is pure before You at all times. In Jesus'name I pray. Amen.

Scriptural references:

·1 Samuel 16:7
·Psalm 139:23
·Matthew 6:5
·1 Corinthians 13
·1 Corinthians 11:31
·1 John 1:9, 10

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